I love serving the churches of Haywood Baptist Association. We are God glorifying, Christ governed, Spirit guided, and Biblically grounded--on mission together for Jesus. Each local congregation shares in these values and others that bind us together. We hold to the same theology, yet in methodology there may be some diversity. Most of this is subtle in tone and texture. In a church's particular context, the personality of that church seasons their efforts in reaching their community.
My wife and I have five children and thirteen grandchildren (thus far). There are genetic traits that produce similarities, and yet each has differing personalities. We love them all! It is that way in the family of God--one Lord, one faith, one baptism, but with differing gifts and ministry priorities.
Let's get together! Family time is precious time. On February 8, at 7 PM in the Haywood Baptist Association our churches' messengers will assemble for worship, fellowship, and reports. We hope that you will have your quota duly elected and present. Jeff Holder, Pastor of West Canton will bring the message.
I pray you are healthy and hard at work in serving our Lord through His church.
Your Associational Mission Strategist,
Dennis Thurman
