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Writer: Haywood Baptist AssociationHaywood Baptist Association

To be consecrated means to be set apart for God. He is a holy God and calls us to be holy--wholly dedicated to Him. There are examples of such found in Nehemiah 11, illustrating this principle of church revitalization.

First, we find THE DESCRIPTION OF THE CONSECRATED (v.1-2). Two different groups are mentioned here.

There were those to whom service is duty, (v.1).  These were drafted. Jerusalem was still a difficult place to live.  The economy was struggling and enemies were surrounding the city.  So, Nehemiah drafted one out of ten men to settle their families there. It was their duty.  Those will serve in the church from that same sense of obligation.  They will say, “I’ve got to teach, or sing, or be in the nursery.”  The key word phrase is, “I’ve got to.”  There is no joy in that.  While we are grateful, there is a better way.

There are those to whom service is delight,(v.2). The other 90% had a choice, and some volunteered for service.  This is where the greater blessing comes!  Such church workers don’t say, “I’ve got to,” but “I get to!”  They are compelled by love!  Rom.12:1 calls us to such consecration: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service."

Second, we see THE DEVOTION OF THE CONSECRATED,(v.3-6). Again, we have two groups in view. 

Look at the commitment of the leaders,(v.3a). The easiest thing for me to do as a leader is to tell you what you ought to do.  But, the most powerful thing I can do is to show you what to do. 

Furthermore, observe the courage of the people,(v.6). Underscore the word, “valiant,” and "valor" (v.14). These were people of courage who knew that there was a price required to serve God.  When I face problems in leadership, I can either look to God and be encouraged in His power, or I can look to myself and be discouraged in my puniness.  Don’t be a quitter!

Third, we turn to THE DEEDS OF THE CONSECRATED.  In this chapter we find there were priests, Levites, and temple assistants (v.3).  There were overseers and their aides (v.9).  Also, featured were leaders in the house of God (v.11); workers in the house of God (v.12) and those who directed the business outside of the house of God (v.16).  There were people who led in prayer (v.17), gatekeepers (v.19), and singers (v.22).  These are just names on a page to us, but all important to God!  He had them documented in His eternal Word! What will you do during the days God gives you? The Lord is keeping a personnel file on each of us.

The revitalization of your congregation begins with your consecration.

Yours as a Living Sacrifice,

Dennis Thurman, Mission Strategist



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